Tuesday, May 09, 2006

patterns of control

I was thinking about patterns recently, no not tattoos or skin patterns or makeup. Although they do make for fascinating thoughts mind you. Actually it was more links which produce patterns and therefore allow you to draw conclusions which have a good chance of being accurate. The most recent pattern I picked up was rather an odd one. It involves people who are dominant in most of their life, it comes naturally and they control far more than many of them realize.

You see it in the obligation they feel to take control, to guide, to make things work right, to force others to think, to step in and do things, to feel frustrated when things are not going exactly the way they want. So they spend their life manipulating, controlling, fixing others and not paying as much attention as they should to their lives.

So, suddenly it comes time to look at that and many who fit the first description don’t like to do it. They may say they do and they may control much of it, but they often would like to give up control for a while at least, like taking a vacation, knowing they may well have to go back to work, but for a short while allowing someone else control, knowing that in fact because they choose to do that they remain dominant and actually in control.  

A true dominant never actually gives up control. Yet we hear stories or see articles of people in position of power who indulge in submissive activities, particularly of a sexual nature, since the press never has much interest in anything else. As Pierre Elliot Trudeau once said, “The nation has no business in the bedrooms of the people”.

Security in self reduces fear and insecurity leads so often to fear and transfer of fear to others. Let’s all learn to be secure in ourselves, and maybe just maybe the fear mongers will get the message. And just maybe, just maybe people will have more fun in their life.

Way to serious a post for this site.

Just might need a spanking.



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