Monday, July 03, 2006

sun and sand

Well it actually was sunny today- thunderstorms this evening of course but,  sun makes me think of beaches and lying on them, waiting for someone to play with. After all are not beaches for playing? Not building castles in the sand necessarily, but, maybe trying to build peaks and fill crevices. Hmmm.  A bottle of wine, little or no clothing, sun, sounds rather tempting to me.  And it being outside, smoking is allowed for any who wish to indulge. Listening to the waves crash, watching the sun set over the ocean, lying on a soft tummy, feeling the beat of a heart next to you, the warmth and comfort of having someone there next to you, to share and caress. To let fingers slide over smooth skin, warm skin, slip under clothes and probe and tease. To tickle or tease, to kiss and hug, to nibble and bite, to take and to give. To feel. To not worry. To just enjoy. And to know you are with someone who wants the same. Sigh.


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